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Eastern Front Theatre and Ship’s Company Theatre are holding auditions for the world premiere of DOWNED HEARTS by Catherine Banks, directed by Mary Vingoe. This is a co-production taking place in both Parrsboro/Awokun and Dartmouth/Punamu’kwati’jk in 2023. Rehearsals start July 25th, opening August 18th and closing August 27th in Parrsboro/Awokun before revival rehearsals start on October 17th in Dartmouth/Punamu’kwati’jk, opening October 20th and closing October 29th. Auditions will be in-person at Alderney Landing on February 13th 2023. Deadline to submit is January 29th 2023. Successful applicants will be sent sides to prepare. We will accept self-tapes for those unable to make the in-person auditions.

CHARACTER BREAKDOWN DOWNED HEARTS takes place in an island fishing community on the Atlantic Ocean in the late 1990s. We encourage submissions across the gender spectrum and invite you to submit for the roles you feel inclined to, regardless of character gender. For the role of Lucas/Lucy/Lu, we will be hiring an adult actor with lived experience.

A note on casting Amanda and Lucas/Lucy/Lu: In the 1970s in Nova Scotia there was a teaching shortage. At that time many teachers came from India to fill positions. They were given posts out of the city, often in remote rural areas. Amanda’s father would have been one of these South Asian teachers.

AARON (35), a Nova Scotian fisherman, everything is slipping out of his hands

AMANDA (30), Aaron’s wife, trying to pursue her dream of becoming an actor, of South Asian descent

LUCAS/LUCY/LU (13), Aaron and Amanda’s child, smart and excitable 7th grader dealing with a new school and routine, Autistic, of mixed South Asian descent *For this role we will be casting an adult actor with lived experience*

PEARL (mid-50s), Aaron’s mother, Lucas/Lucy’s Gram, salt of the earth matriarch

PERCY (late 50s), an artist “from away,” trying to make sense of disaster through her art practice

BELLE (early 20s), non-speaking, excitable, intense, watchful


Please fill out this Google Form to be considered for an audition:


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